Introducing our lovely Customer of the Week... Anne! Look how adorble Anne is in her new Theo Pourbus frames! Anne was referred to us by a ...
Filed under: CUSTOMER OF THE WEEK!, FASHION!, Theo, Unique Frame Lines
This week’s Customer Of The Week is a Couple. Give a round of applause to Marie and Greg!
Don’t they look great in their Theo’s?!?
I have a secret to tell you…if you and your partner both wear glasses that you bought from Eye Spy, you will probably be featured as our Customer Of The Week! I have another secret to tell you…if you and your partner both wear the same brand of glasses, like Marie and Greg, then you are almost GUARANTEED to be our Customers Of The Week.
Marie came in looking for an upgrade and our Design Maven helped her pick out the perfect pair of Theo Abricot frames.
We think you will agree that both the color and the fit look amazing on her.
This frame is such a gorgeous shade of purple and has some really unique cut-out details around the edges.
Greg’s Aramis frame is also a cool shape and outstanding color.
Marie has been a customer for 11 years and Greg has been a customer for 6 years, so obviously they both know how great funky, colorful eye wear can be. We just LOVE couples who have great taste in glasses!