The summer sun may not be here yet, but it is lurking right around the corner.
I know that many of us are looking forward to picnics by the lake, concerts in Millennium Park, and bike rides on a warm afternoon, that’s the joy of living in Chicago!
And, of course, many of you are preparing to stock up on sunscreen, yes?
But what about sunglasses?
According to a recent article in the Miami Herald, 78% of parents make sure their kids are wearing sunscreen (awesome!) but only 39% make sure their kids are wearing sunglasses (wha?!).
The eyes of children are extremely sensitive to the sun, making sufficient eyewear a necessity.
Check out the article here to learn more about the importance of sun protection for your child’s eyes.
At Eye Spy, we carry Julbo sunglasses for kids. Julbo‘s kids frames have shock-resistant lenses that offer 100% protection against UVA, B and C rays.
(Here’s the url for the article: )
And a reminder–for the whole month of April, Eye Spy is celebrating a GREEN SCENE. If you ride your bike or the CTA to Eye Spy, you get 10% off a pair of Rx specs. If you donate an old pair of glasses, you receive $25 off a new pair of Rx frames! So come on by and celebrate a greener earth with Eye Spy!