Eye Spy with My Little Eye

Filed under: NEWS!

We’ve got a new look!

Written by on June 16th 2009

Check it out!!!

Hey You!! Look at me!!

Eye Spy has a new look!

green is the new awesome

You know us, at Eye Spy, we like to be as green as possible. For a while, we’ve been bored with our plain brown facade. It didn’t accurately represent the Eye Spy attitude!

Then, Alissa had the brilliant idea of putting astro-turf on the store! She cut the panels in her own back yard and put them up with Velcro, so when we remove the middle two panels, we have a fun purple chalkboard hidden away! Wait, there’s more!

It turns out the astro-turf is made out of recycled materials. So we did get the green facade we’ve always wanted. It just took a little elbow grease and a lot of clever thinkin’!


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