Filed under: EVENTS!
Do you love a terrarium as much as we do?? It’s a little bit of happy in a jar, and we can all use a little happy hanging around. As the last installment of our Green Scene Workshops, we will be hosting a BYOJ (Bring Your Own Jar) Terrarium workshop! On April 27 12-4pm, the lovely Julie of Good Things Grow Midway will be leading the workshop!
Image Credit: Design Sponge
Good Things Grow Midway started out as one Momma’s optimistic idea to pretty up a neighborhood, and has quickly evolved into a developing revolution of sorts. G.T.G.M. strives to build community, on the southwest side of Chicago, and bring neighbors together through; art, gardening, community and action.
Swing on by with your jar, meet Julie and make a little jar of happiness, I mean, a terrarium. Any sort of jar will do, within reason of course! You have to be able to get some things inside, and it’s best if it has a lid!
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Filed under: EVENTS!
The third weekend of our DIY Green Scene Series is: making t-shirt bags & then stamping designs on the shirts with veggies! Whew. That was a mouthful!
Let’s be real…we have all got enough plastic bags. Did you know that you can take all those pesky t-shirts you sort of love (or hate) and make them in to bags?! We followed these instructions and already made some bags for you:-) They will look like this:
Then, the next step is: take a bunch of cut-up vegetables, dip them into fabric paint (we chose a handful of fluorescent colors!), and then stamp the designs onto the the newly-created t-shirt bags! You will have a masterpiece that you can use everyday….after you let the bags dry for 72 hours, of course:-)
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Swing on in this Saturday, April 20th from 12-4pm and take a lesson from Bob Fields & Zara Versten, the dad/daughter duo of the Queen of Specs!
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Filed under: EVENTS!
As the second installment of our April Green Scene will be lead by our Queen of Specs. On April 13th at 12-4pm she will be holding a workshop on CD Upcycling. Remember the good ol’days when you would get those AOL cds in the mail?![images (1)](
Not that anyone gets those any more, but we’ve all got cds laying around that we either don’t use or are broken. That’s where these projects come in. We will have a handful of CD Upcycling projects ranging from drums, tops, and a little bit of garden whimsy.
Hop on by and make something beautiful with our Queen of Specs, it’s sure to be a grand old time.
![upcycle CD10](
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