Eye Spy with My Little Eye

Filed under: HEALTH!

Bugs VS. Popeye

Written by on November 18th 2011
As promised, Dr. Brad Newton is
sharing his eye health wisdom
every week.  This  week we asked doc…
Are carrots good for your eyes??? Carrots do have Vitamin A, which is necessary for retinal function but they are also right up there with potatoes as one of the starchiest veggies. They can cause a spike in your blood sugar that is not good for your eyes or any other organ in your body. Spinach or other dark green leafy vegetables contain the vitamins your eyes need including lutein, which is very important for retinal health. So when the dust settles, Popeye wins! Thats all Folks!!!
Do you have any eye health questions?  Post any questions and Brad will do his best to answer them.  Don’t forget to eat your greens!!! Yum :)

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