Eye Spy with My Little Eye

Filed under: Anne et Valentin

Wild on Eye Spy

Written by on April 7th 2010

In her natural habitat, the Anne et Valentin Sunglass frame lolls about the store, sunning her handmade frame in the spring light.

Listen closely and you can hear the wind rustle the grass, you can hear the birds singing, but you can also hear the sound of danger, lurking in the weeds…!

The Anne et Valentin Sunglass frame springs into action, protecting her young from the harmful UV rays of the Sun, narrowly avoiding damage to the cornea and a future filled with cataracts and wrinkles!


Wow, eyewear is SO EXCITING!

And a reminder–for the whole month of April, Eye Spy is celebrating a GREEN SCENE. If you ride your bike or the CTA to Eye Spy, you get 10% off a pair of Rx specs. If you donate an old pair of glasses, you receive $25 off a new pair of Rx frames! So come on by and celebrate a greener earth with Eye Spy!
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