Eye Spy with My Little Eye

Filed under: NEWS!, Sabine Be., Unique Frame Lines

There’s A New Line We’d Like You To Meet!

Written by on November 13th 2015

We have some new frames to entice and delight you from a wonderful new (to us) designer. Let me introduce you to our newest collection of french eyeglasses, Sabine Be! But first, some background…

The Queen of Specs had been seeing photos of Sabine Be for a over a year….so, when she made her wishlist for the buying show in Paris, Sabine Be was at the top of the list! The Queen likes to carry independent, small, colorful lines that are designed by opticians. In addition, independent optical designers are so nice to work with…and the quality & workmanship is amazing.  Our appointment with Sabine Be was secured for the last day of the buying show. Each day that the Queen passed by the Sabine Be booth, she started drooling and the Specs Wrangler had to pull the Queen away!! Finally, the day arrived! And the clouds parted…..


Are you in LOVE yet?  Everyone here at Eye Spy Optical have a bit of a crush, especially on this sassy little cat ear number.

Sabine grew up with a love of design, fashion and eyewear – both parents were involved in the optical world.  She knew she would grow up to be a designer of some sort.  So after years of work as an optician, Sabine started her own line of unique and colorful frames.

You may not know this but opticians make THE BEST eyewear designers. They pay attention to the little things –  what will fit well, what will look good, what will feel comfortable in a frame.  Sabine Be is comfortable and fun to wear.  She uses beautiful colors and pairs them with fun and easy to wear shapes.



They are also beautifully made – Sabine has her frames made by hand at a small, well-known eyewear factory in France.  Detail and quality have served as her guides she has been recognized by the eyewear design world for her talents, she was recently nominated for the prestegious Grand Prix Silmo d’Or 2015 in Paris.


We have a great selection of Sabine Be’s women’s and men’s frames as well as some fantastic accessories. Consider yourself warned…you may squeal with delight when you see them. :)

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